Computer Programmer: The Article that Detail Tips for Cover Letters

In the twenty-first century, computer programming has gained significant traction: enough to warrant many degree seekers. With people's reliance on computers, we can see why programming has earned a place in society. If you're pursuing a job as a computer programmer, this article will detail tips for cover letters. That said, computer programming is a competitive market—and you'll need articles like this one to guide you along.

First, let's look at what makes up a programmer, the education needed, the salary, and the skill set that employers will favor.

Computer Programmer Career Overview

Job Functions


A computer programmer writes code on computers in a variety of programming languages. Some popular languages are C++, Python, Visual Basic, and Javascript. Computer programmers also maintain existing software, updating it as needed. They test or debug a program to check for errors or insufficient code. A programmer is one part of the computer asset scenario, who work with software and computer engineers, IT staff, and managers.

Companies That Hire Programmers

A computer programmer may work at an IT company that contracts out jobs or one that stays within the office. Federal and private sectors have increased programmer hiring in recent years. Some programmers travel the freelance route, serving as an as-needed employee for IT firms. Banks and law firms have picked up on the hiring trend with the overall increase in technology use.


A bachelor's degree in computer science—or a related field—is the bread and butter of a computer programmer. Sometimes an associate's degree or internship experience is enough to interest employers. Another option for non-graduates is a private institution called a coding academy. The courses at these firms are intense and short.

If you pursue a coding academy, find one that offers little to no tuition in exchange for a portion of your salary when you land a job. This offers little risk to the aspiring programmer.


The average payout for a computer programmer is $80,000. This can vary between $45,000 to $130,000.


Skill Set for Programmers

Here's a list of some skills that employees look for in programmers. Be sure to understand them. Include each one in your resume and cover letter.

Analytical Thought

Analyzing computer code takes a good about of perception. A programmer must think how one set of code influences another, in a complex web of computer processing.

Attention to Detail

Computer code can be lengthy. All it takes is a single line of mismatched language to damage the program's function. A programmer must pick out discrepancies to repair damaged code without creating new typos.

Language Fluency

A programmer fluent in multiple computer languages shows knowledge and potential. Employers like it when an employee shows versatility. It means managers can depend on them more.

Teamwork and Communication

Sometimes a computer programmer alone cannot solve a problem. Learning teamwork with other departments and coworkers is vital to any programmer—and for most jobs, but don't take it for granted—include it in your resume and cover letter. It shows you respect this essential skill.

Proficiency with Windows and Other Staple Software

Programmers need a strong understanding of how Windows, DOS, or Linux works. These software platforms form the basis on which programming occurs.

Cover Letter Tips & Samples

A cover letter is an introduction from you, the employee, to the employer. Cover letters are important in that they are a snapshot of you—your capabilities, your personality, and your achievements. First impressions like this require proper composition, especially in today's competitive market. Show the employer you are excited about the job and that you are confident in your abilities. This will—in turn—give them confidence in you.


Keep a cover letter short and sweet, only a page. Have a salutation, an intro paragraph, main body, and ending paragraph, ending with the farewell. Here are tips and samples to help:

Include Contact Information

Including contact details helps establish an air of trust between employee and employer. It is convenient for the employer if they need further information, and it shows you've researched into the company.

Grab Their Attention

The salutation and first paragraph of a cover letter should not be generic if possible. Avoid classical introductions such as dear sir or madam or even to whom it may concern. Write the recipient's name in the cover letter. This shows you've researched into the company's staffing. It is also a stronger pitch that drives interest in the employer.

Build Yourself Up

In the body of your cover letter, highlight your achievements. Show the employer you can do the job. Cite examples from your life, employment, or education. For any flaws or inadequacies that you can't avoid, put a positive spin on them, working your imperfections in your favor. Sometimes you can work a flaw into something appreciative to show perseverance.

Own Your Story

Put your unique spin in your cover letter, something that helps you stand out from a generic applicant. For computer programmers, have it as an alternative computer skill that shows your computer familiarity.

End with Enthusiasm

In your concluding paragraph, mention that you look forward to learning more about the company and meeting the employer in person for an interview. Don't come across as overly confident—as if you've already landed the job—but sound excited and willing. Thank him or her for their time. Remember, this is your first impression. Make it count.

Sample 1

John E. Smith
123 Nowhere Avenue
Boston, MA 12345
(555) 111-1111 Home Phone
(555) 111-1112 Cell

Dear Mr./Ms. Smith,

I'm interested in the entry-level computer programmer position listed on your company's website. I have multiple programming languages under my belt from college and internships. I've also shown great teamwork with my colleagues and professors. But before I get into that, let me explain more about myself.

My bachelor's degree in computer science was the first big step for me, as I grew up in a lackluster family with poor infrastructure and little to no advancement prospects. My parents were computer illiterate; both low-income respiratory nurses. I was the first in the family to seek a higher education concerning the latest programming technologies. I then established a side hobby as a creative writer.

Despite my shortcomings as an autistic individual, I persevered, earning a handful of internships in the Boston area. This opportunity set the bar high. At my jobs, I worked at increasing efficiency on company projects and was able to do so by a sizable margin. During my internship at college, I doubled the research initiatives for my professors. A great passion for programming developed as I helped several fellow students in project coaching. I also assisted a nun from Africa who I met once after school. She is now well on her way as a fantastic technical worker.

With that said, I can provide your company with a lot of help at a fair price. I look forward to hearing from you so we may discuss this opportunity further in an interview. I'd appreciate the chance to show my capabilities and learn more about your organization in person. Thank you for your time.

John Edward Smith

Sample 2

Ann E. Smith
123 Hill St.
Newark, NJ 12345
(555) 111-1111 Home Phone
(555) 111-1112 Cell

Dear Mr./Ms. Smith,
I write pertaining to my application for your company's computer programming position. As per my resume, I have knowledge in C++, Javascript, and Python. I have an associate's degree in programming, plus several internships at respectable IT firms. While I was in college, I juggled several research projects for professors while working as a stay-at-home mom for my two children and our family garden. I even created an app that helps my children take care of the garden when I am busy at work.

I've worked in fast-paced programming environments, collaborating with other departments for that perfect product that our client needs. My analytical mind and attention to detail augments my substantial experience in coding, resulting in few if any errors when I code. Building code also brings me fulfillment, knowing it will help someone in the world. 
My skills suggest I may be the right candidate for this position. I would appreciate the chance to meet with you and show my abilities further. I also read that your company donates its electronic waste to a proper green disposal company, which is something I appreciate in a business. I look forward to hearing from you so we can arrange an interview. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Ann Edward Smith


In our competitive world, writing an effective cover letter is vital for getting a job. When you write your cover letter, make it short and sweet. Include your achievements and abilities. Show excitement for the position. Show perseverance, versatility, and collaboration. Include contact information for both you and the employer. Sound confident, but not arrogant—and thank them for their time.


We hope this article has aided you in your job application process. If you need more samples of cover letters or resumes, check popular sites like or Some websites like Monster offer a resume and cover letter checker. If you are prepared, you will stand out from the competitive pool and that job will be right around the corner. Good luck.

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